Digitalise your services and automate manual tasks 

Digitalisation of services | Digital transformation software | Automate manual tasks

Icon showing digital service delivery

How effective are your current business processes?

Administrative tasks are often time consuming, prone to human error and resource intensive. These manual tasks often rely on individual skills and knowledge, meaning that businesses must assign employees to mundane tasks rather than allocating resources to more critical tasks.

Businesses who are not embracing automation and the cloud to deliver fast, efficient, cost effective online services, tend to struggle with customer acquisition and retention and can be held back by manual or legacy systems.

What might work for a small team may no longer be feasible as a business grows, causing bottlenecks and operational inefficiencies.

The business impact of failing to digitalise

Relying heavily on manual tasks not only impacts business operations, it can also negatively affect customer experience. These implications can include:

Slower response times for customer inquiries, requests or issues, leading to dissatisfaction
Inconsistencies in the delivery of products and servicing, impacting customer perception
Limited availability caused by the constraints employees face, inconveniencing customers that require assistance
Less innovation because manual processes can limit time for creative problem-solving that could further benefit the customer
Increased costs for the customer, which may have been passed on from the increased labour and resources needed to complete manual tasks
Illustration of digital equipment and paper documents

Does resolving the problem require a digital transformation?

In short, no! Digital transformation is less of a tangible product to implement and more of an overarching term about updating strategies around people and technology.

Instead of planning an excessive overhaul of operations, businesses can look at digitalising their existing services.

What is digital service delivery?

Digital service delivery refers to the process of providing services to customers through digital channels, such as websites, mobile apps and social media platforms. Key components of digital service delivery include automation, self-service options, personalised interactions and seamless integration across digital touchpoints.

A good place to start is with slow, error prone and costly manual processes, which could be digitalised to be more efficient and user-friendly.

What are the benefits of digitalising your services?

Digitalising administrative or other tasks enables organisations to meet the changing needs of customers, gain a competitive advantage and improve operational efficiency.

In our experience, digitalised services ensure:

Enhanced convenience
Enhanced convenience Digital service delivery offers customers the convenience of accessing products, services, and information anytime, anywhere and from any device with an internet connection.
Faster response times
Automation and digital workflows enable faster processing and response times for customer inquiries, requests and transactions, leading to greater satisfaction and loyalty.
Cost savings
Digitalisation of services reduces the need for manual intervention, paper-based processes and physical infrastructure, resulting in lower operational costs and higher efficiency.
Digital channels and automated processes can easily scale to accommodate growing volumes of transactions, users and data without significant overheads or disruption.
Digital platforms allow for personalised interactions and experiences tailored to individual customer preferences, behaviours and needs, fostering stronger engagement and loyalty.
Data-driven insights
Digital services generate valuable data and analytics that can be used to gain insights into customer behaviour.
Protected supply chain
Digitalised services enable better communication and transparency across the supply chain, helping share information in real-time, improve quality control and enable continuous improvement.

How can Catapult help businesses automate manual tasks?

Identify the tasks

We can help you start by identifying repetitive tasks that are currently performed manually. This can include data entry, report generation, invoice processing or other administration tasks.

Choose the right tools

Our experienced team will then select appropriate automation tools and technologies based on the specific needs and requirements of the identified tasks. This can include a range of different softwares, workflow automation platforms and custom-built solutions.

Create a workflow

Catapult can design workflows that outline the sequence of steps required when automating manual processes. Our engineers will define inputs, outputs, decision points and error handling mechanisms to ensure smooth execution of the automated processes.

Integrate systems

Catapult will integrate systems and applications to enable seamless data exchange and interaction between different parts of the automation workflow. This may involve leveraging application programming interfaces (APIs), middleware or integration platforms.

Configure rules

Our software engineers can configure automation rules and logic to govern how tasks are executed based on predefined conditions and triggers. This can include setting up rules for data validation, exception handling and task prioritisation.

Test and Validate

We will thoroughly test and validate the automated workflows to ensure that they function as intended and deliver the expected outcomes. This involves identifying and addressing any issues or errors that arise during testing to optimise performance and reliability.


Next, we can deploy the automation solutions into production environments and monitor their performance in real-world scenarios. Continuously monitoring and refining the automated processes helps maintain efficiency, address any emerging issues and spot opportunities for improvement.

Train team members

Catapult will provide training and support to employees who will be working with the automated processes. This ensures they understand how the automation tools work, how to interpret outputs and how to handle exceptions or errors that may arise.

Make improvements

It is important to continuously monitor the performance of automated tasks and workflows, tracking key metrics such as processing time, error rates and cost savings. We can use this data to identify areas for optimisation and further automation, driving ongoing improvements in efficiency and productivity.

Catapult as your partner for digital services delivery

We understand the importance of working with a trusted partner when planning task automation. As an Atlassian Partner, we have the tools, as well as knowledge and experience, to design, build, test, deploy and deliver fully digital services.

We ensure that any management tool we develop contributes to a seamless customer experience and gives you a competitive advantage. Our proven track record, including our client case studies and winning the prestigious 'Best Use of Microservices/Containers’ award at the 2021 Computing DevOps Excellence Awards, emphasises our expertise and commitment to excellence in engineering.

You can be reassured that our tailored solutions mitigate the need for disruptive business-wide cultural changes, saving valuable time and resources. 

You can use that saved time to your advantage, reallocating human and financial resources towards activities that drive innovation and growth, helping to meet business goals.

Catapult will take the time to understand your business and its customers, developing a tailored digital solution that helps you reap the benefits of digitalisation.

Need help automating tasks in your business?

Our engineers can help businesses to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences and drive innovation.

For more information, schedule a call with our team.

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